
<p>Islington Adult Community Learning takes seriously its responsibility for creating an environment that promotes well being and ensures personal safety, security and welfare. We&nbsp;actively promote British Values, defined by the Government as:</p> <ul> <li>Democracy</li> <li>The Rule of Law</li> <li>Individual Liberty</li> <li>Mutual Respect</li> <li>Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs</li> <li>Safeguarding policy</li> <li>Harassment and Bullying policy</li> <li>Computer Use policy which includes e-safety</li> </ul> <p>This includes challenging learners, staff and other service users that may express opinions that are contrary to these values including extremist views.</p> <p>Click <a href=";%20proce%20Sept%2023%20MFRT.pdf">here</a> to view the service&#39;s Safeguarding politcy.</p> <p>To keep you safe, all members of our staff are required to complete Safeguarding training including training on radicalisation.</p> <p>Every member of our staff has a responsibility to help ensure your safety and welfare. If you are concerned in any way about the safety or wellbeing of yourself or someone else please contact one of our designated Safeguarding Officers as soon as possible.</p> <p>Your safeguarding contacts&nbsp;are:</p> <p>Akeel Ahmed - 0207 537 3468</p> <p>Juliet Bellagambi - 0207 527 4156</p> <p>Simon Fuller - 0207 527 3405</p> <p>Ying Chan - 0207 527 2654</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>