
<p>Adult Education Wolverhampton Background<p><p>&nbsp;<p><p>Adult Education Wolverhampton is a local authority provider of community learning and skills. The Service is part of Wolverhampton City Council and is currently located within the Education Directorate where it sits in the&nbsp;People division. The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Learning has responsibility for the Service.&nbsp;<br><br>Mission<p><p>&nbsp;<p><p>Our mission is to make a positive difference to individuals and the communities of Wolverhampton, especially those who live in the City’s priority neighbourhoods, by providing learning programmes that help with employment and personal development.&nbsp;<a href="https:www.aes.wolverhampton.gov.ukabout-usmission">Read our full mission statement<a><br><br>Courses on offer<p><p>&nbsp;<p><p>We provide courses from Entry Level to Level 3 that lead to nationally recognised qualifications in vocational subjects, English, Maths and IT. We also provide a wide range of non-accredited courses for personal development, health and well being.<br><br>Funding<p><p>&nbsp;<p><p>The majority of provision is funded by the&nbsp;<a href="https:www.wmca.org.uk">West Midlands Combined Authority <a>&nbsp;and a small amount by the&nbsp;<a href="https:www.aes.wolverhampton.gov.ukabout-usbackground#link_tab">Education &amp; Skills Funding Agency <a>&nbsp;. The Education &amp; Skills Funding Agency works with the European Social Fund (ESF), which funds programmes and initiatives for improving employment opportunities. For further information on the ESFA&nbsp;<a href="http:www.dwp.gov.ukesf">visit their website&nbsp;<a>.<br><br>Ofsted<p><p>&nbsp;<p><p>Adult Education Wolverhampton was last inspected by&nbsp;<a href="https:www.aes.wolverhampton.gov.ukabout-usofsted">Ofsted<a>&nbsp;in December 2019. You can read more about our inspection by using the link below.<p><p>&nbsp;<p><p><a href="https:www.aes.wolverhampton.gov.ukabout-usofsted">View our Ofsted Report&nbsp;<a><p><p>&nbsp;<p>