Waiting List: Counselling - CPCAB Level 2 Certificate

This course requires you to follow an application process.

Course code: WL8608G

A Level 2 Counselling qualification for those who want to learn counselling skills to help others.

Various times, venues and start dates from September 2025
Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere 




Skills & Learning Adult Community Education


01202 123444

What the course is about

<p><strong>Please note, all the information below regards Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills. This is a waiting list for the next available course which begins in September 2025, admission sessions and enrolment are available. Your date of application will be taken from the date you applied for the admission session. Please read the information below and apply to join the waiting list in readiness for spring 2025. </strong></p>

<p>The Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills forms the foundation of professional counselling practice, as well as providing the essential listening and communication skills used by helping professionals in a variety of roles within health and social care. It is the first compulsory qualification on your progression route to becoming a counsellor. Further qualifications at level 3, 4 and 5 are required in order to become qualified and be able to practise as a counsellor.</p>

<p>With the other learners in your class, you will cover the following learning outcomes:</p>

<li>Use counselling skills ethically and safely</li>
<li>Establish and sustain the boundaries of the helping role</li>
<li>Work empathetically as a helper</li>
<li>Focus on the needs and concerns of the client</li>
<li>Use self-awareness in helping work</li>
<li>Use feedback and reflection to enhance counselling skills</li>

<p>A variety of learning activities will be used on this course, including tutor presentation and demonstration, practical application of skills, individual and group work, discussions, Q&A, internet research, individual research and project work. Where relevant, your learning will enable you to develop skills and knowledge required for work.</p>

<p>With the other learners in your class, you will cover the following learning outcomes:</p>

<li>Use counselling skills ethically and safely</li>
<li>Establish and sustain the boundaries of the helping role</li>
<li>Work empathetically as a helper</li>
<li>Focus on the needs and concerns of the client</li>
<li>Use self-awareness in helping work</li>
<li>Use feedback and reflection to enhance counselling skills</li>

<p>A variety of learning activities will be used on this course, including tutor presentation and demonstration, practical application of skills, individual and group work, discussions, Q&A, internet research, individual research and project work. Where relevant, your learning will enable you to develop skills and knowledge required for work.</p>

<p>Regular home study will be necessary to successfully complete this course. You will be supported to develop good study skills.</p>

<p>Your tutor will also support you to improve your English and maths skills alongside your learning of your vocational subject. This will include assessing your current skills and planning learning activities related to your subject that are designed to develop your skills in these areas. To support this, you will undertake some e-learning modules, where appropriate, as homework.</p>

<p>If you have declared at enrolment that you are unemployed, you may be invited to meet with an Information, Advice and Guidance Officer or employability member of staff, to identify other learning opportunities that will support you to secure employment or improve your employment prospects. We highly recommend that you engage fully in any other learning opportunities that we help you identify.</p>

<p>This is a vocational course leading to a qualification, and the cost of it is subsidised by public funding. You will be required to complete all of the necessary coursework/assignments or exams by the given deadlines.</p>

<p><strong>Please note:</strong> if you do not successfully complete the course within this academic year, you will not be able to repeat it at the subsidised fee. For further information on the syllabus for this course please go to <a href="https://www.cpcab.co.uk/">https://www.cpcab.co.uk</a></p>

Pre-course information session or interview

<p>You will be required to attend an <strong>Admission Session interview</strong> prior to enrolling on this course.</p>

<p>At this session, you will receive:</p>

<li>Full details of what is covered on the course</li>
<li>Information as to the pre-requisite skills or qualifications needed prior to enrolling</li>
<li>Information as to the home study requirements and commitment</li>
<li>A Skills Check for English/or Maths as appropriate</li>
<li>Details of learning or financial support that may be available to you</li>

<p>There will be an opportunity to ask any further questions you may have. If you have any certificates for qualifications in this subject area, or for English or Maths, please bring them with you to the admission session.</p>

<p><strong>Please note: </strong>Places on some of our courses will be in high demand and if you have been offered a place but no longer require it, please advise us immediately, as you may be preventing another learner from taking the place. Where learners do not attend the first session, without having given prior notice, Skills&Learning reserve the right to offer the place on the course to another learner (see Cancellation policy).</p>

<p>For term dates please refer to <a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/about/term-dates/">www.skillsandlearningace.com/about/term-dates</a>.</p>

Assessment of progress, tests, exams

<p>This is a Level 2 assessed course. Once completed, your work will be marked and internally verified. An external verifier from the awarding body will visit to review your work before you receive your certificate.</p>

<p>As soon as your certificate is received by Skills & Learning it will be forwarded to you.</p>

<p>Course work is also required to be completed during the course.</p>

<li><strong>Awarding body:</strong> CPCAB</li>
<li><strong>Assignments/Course work:</strong> You will complete a candidate portfolio of evidence to include an assignment, self-review, 2 tutor observed counselling practice sessions, classroom assessment </li>

Who the course is for / Previous experience, knowledge or qualifications

<p>We have designed this course to support you with working in the support and care sector. Successful completion of this course will provide skills and knowledge required for job roles working in a variety of posts supporting the well-being of individuals.</p>

<p>You can check the suitability of this course for a preferred career path or route to employment by looking at various job profiles on the National Careers Service website <a href="https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/">https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk</a>.</p>

<p>This qualification is not suitable for those who are currently in a state of severe emotional difficulty and/or severe psychological confusion. Please be aware that the course involves experiential elements that will involve some personal disclosure and associated personal developmental activities. If your tutor does not feel that the course is right for you during the first weeks of the course they will advise you and discuss deferring the course until a future date.</p>

<p>Previous knowledge of counselling skills is not essential, although we would advise that you have completed the Introduction to Counselling Skills course beforehand.</p>

<p>There is an expectation that if you enrol on this course, you are willing to commit fully to the period of time involved in this course, the associated home study and the assessed work required, and intend to sit the examination if applicable. You should consider your readiness to commit to study and we have a study support toolbox to help you with this:<a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/toolbox/">www.skillsandlearningace.com/toolbox/</a>.</p>

<p>English language skills at a minimum of Level 1 are required. You will be asked to complete an online assessment in English after submitting a course application.  This course is only available for learners over the age of 19.</p>

<p><strong>Please note: If you are applying for an online course, you will need to have access to a computer (not just a phone or iPad) and ideally will have confidence using IT. All online courses are delivered via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to refresh your IT skills please see the Computing and Digital Skills section of our website and click <a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/subjects/computing-and-digital-skills/">here</a></strong></p>

Materials and costs

<p>You will need a pen and paper plus a folder for your own work and any information given.</p>

<p>There may be a requirement to obtain course books or other resources to support your study. You will be guided by your tutor prior to any purchase.</p>

<p><strong>Course costs for Level 2 courses</strong></p>

<p>For information regarding any <strong>funding</strong> for this course please <strong>please refer to</strong> the Finance page on our website <a href="https://www.webenrol.com/SkillsAndLearningace/?page=finance">https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/learning-with-us/finance/</a></p>

<p><strong>PLEASE NOTE</strong> If you do not attend a pre-booked practical or theory exam, without giving the required notice, you will be invoiced for the cost. Details of the fees and cancellation notice periods required are available on request.</p>

Next Step

<p>You may wish to further develop your counselling skills with the Counselling Skills - CPCAB Level 3 Certificate.</p>

<p>Other courses may be offered by Skills & Learning or other local providers.</p>

<p>There are a variety of e-learning courses that can be started at any time of the year.</p>

<p>Up to date English and maths Functional Skills and Essential Digital Skills qualifications can help you progress at work or into further or higher education.</p>

<p>Skills & Learning work with local employers to offer Sector Based Work Academy Programmes and Apprenticeship training.</p>

<p>Please visit our website <a href="http://www.skillsandlearningace.com/">www.skillsandlearningace.com</a> for more details.</p>

<p>Your tutor may also be able to discuss the possible next step options with you.</p><p>Need support planning your next steps? Our experienced Careers Advisors at Skills &amp; Learning can offer personalised guidance on choosing the right course, exploring career paths, developing interview skills, updating your CV and much more. Book a FREE appointment today and get the support you need to achieve your goals. Visit: <a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/learning-with-us/next-steps/" target="_blank">https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/learning-with-us/next-steps/</a>. Call us at 01202 123444 for more information.</p>

Additional information

<p><strong>English, maths and computing skills:</strong> all of our courses support the development of relevant English, maths and computing skills.<br />
<strong>Refunds:</strong> please see details of our cancellation policy in our Terms and Conditions on our website <a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/policies/terms-and-conditions/">www.skillsandlearningace.com/policies/terms-and-conditions</a> or in our brochure.<br />
<strong>Attendance:</strong> before enrolling you should ensure that you can attend all classes offered as far as possible.<br />
<strong>Places on courses:</strong> many of our courses are in high demand. If you have been offered a place but no longer require it, please advise us immediately as you may be preventing another learner from taking the place. Where learners do not attend the first session, without having given prior notice, Skills &amp; Learning reserve the right to offer the place on the course to another learner; you will not be eligible for a refund it it is outside of the terms outlined in our cancellation policy.<br />
<strong>Fully funded learners:</strong> if you have been offered a fully funded place on a course and no longer require it, you must advise us before the course starts so that your place can be offered to someone else. We reserve the right to withdraw future offers of fully funded places if you regularly do not start or complete funded courses.<br />
<strong>Home study:</strong> you will&nbsp;be required to do significant&nbsp;study at home between sessions to assist with your learning and progress.<br />
<strong>Qualification Levels:</strong> there is further information about qualification levels on our website.<br />
<strong>Proof of identity:</strong> please bring photographic ID and your National Insurance number with you to your first session. You will also need to provide it for any external examinations you take.<br />
<strong>Off-site activities:</strong> with some courses, there may be the opportunity for off-site enrichment activities at additional cost, for example: gallery, museum or exhibition visits. Where this is an integral part of the course, your tutor will discuss the arrangements with you during your induction.<br />
<strong>Parking at centres:</strong> parking at centres may be limited; please be prepared to use on street parking or pay and display car parks. For information regarding each centre, please visit the venue section of our website <a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/our-centres/">www.skillsandlearningace.com/our-centres/</a>.<br />
<strong>Refreshments:</strong> tea/coffee or vending machine(s) are available at some venues. Further information can be found in the venue section of our website <a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/our-centres/">www.skillsandlearningace.com/our-centres/</a>.<br />
<strong>Unspent Criminal Convictions</strong> we require learners to disclose any unspent criminal convictions. Please refer to <a href="https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/policies/disclosure-of-unspent-convictions/">www.skillsandlearningace.com/policies/disclosure-of-unspent-convictions</a>.<br />
If you have any <strong>accessibility or disability issues</strong> that we need to accommodate or if you think you may need any other support to complete your chosen course, please contact: 01202 123444 or e-mail <a href="mailto:enquiries@salbcp.com">enquiries@salbcp.com</a>. All enquiries are treated in confidence.</p>