Shop Smarter: reduce your food costs

This course requires you to follow an application process.

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Course code: 23N919

This course will show you how the downshift challenge could save you money as you swap branded items for supermarket own brand items. You will look at how to use a ‘best value’ approach to your weekly shop and how to work out if what you are buying is actually a bargain.



From 25 Jun 2024
Tue 09:30-12:00

One day

25 Jun 2024
09:30 to 12:00



Old Hall Street



Fees and concessions



Wolverhampton Adult Education Service

Course details

<p>This course is part of our maths Multiply project which is designed to help adults manage the cost-of-living crisis and how to grow your confidence in using your maths. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>This taster session is designed to help you save money by shopping smarter and understanding the deals advertised in supermarkets and online. You will learn to work out your weekly food budget and how to spend it wisely. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>Subjects you will study include: </p>

<p>Working out your weekly food budget </p>
<p>Spending wisely and understanding special offers </p>
<p>What is a bargain and is it a bargain if you don’t need it? </p>
<p>Black Friday deals and others like this to watch out for </p>
<p>Planning for Christmas </p>

<p> </p>

<p>If the cost-of-living crisis is something that you are concerned about or you are looking for ways to get the most out of your weekly food shop, then this course is a great start.  </p>

<p>This two-hour session will look at the best places to shop, share experiences with other students and look at some of the ways supermarkets retail items that look too good to miss but may not be a real saving. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>You will also look at your own finances and work out your own weekly budget so that you can plan for the future and start to make savings straight away. </p>

<p>If you decide to enrol on the Shop Smarter course, you will also have more opportunities to engage in other Multiply courses or progress onto a maths course to develop your skills further. </p>

Course requirements

<p>There are no qualifications required to join the course, you just need to complete an online application form or talk to a member of staff.  </p>

What are the benefits of this course?

<p>This course is designed to help you develop the skills needed to plan your finances more effectively and manage your money.  </p>

How will I learn?

<p>This practical face-to-face session will help you to grow your confidence by discussing and sharing tips and experiences with other students.  </p>

<p>With the help of your teacher you will work through a booklet and complete tasks and then take the booklet home to use at home when thinking about planning a food shop or working out your weekly budget. </p>

What qualification will I get?

<table border="0" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="1" style="width:100%">
<td><img src="" alt=" Multiply_Logo_Burgundy " style="float:left; height:108px; width:200px" /></td>
<td>There is no qualification. </td>

What will I be able to do after this course?

<p>On completion of this taster session you will have the option to progress to:  </p>

<p>Other Multiply courses </p>
<p>Family Learning courses (delivered at Primary schools and Strengthening Family Hubs) </p>
<p>Functional Skills Maths </p>
<p>Functional Skills English </p>
<p>ESOL </p>
<p>Vocational programmes that could help you find work in Childcare, Health and Social Care or as a Teaching Assistant </p>

<p> </p>

<p>Some of these options will require a skills check of your existing skills. </p>

Further information

<p>For further information or careers or educational advice please contact our Student Gateway:</p>

<p>01902 558180 | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a></p>