Learn My Way

This entry is not available for online enrolment, please read the details below about the course.

Course code: LearnMyWay

Free courses for you to learn digital skills to stay safe and connected. Follow the link below.

These online courses are available any time. Access the Learn My Way site by following the link below
location to be advised



Wokingham Borough Council Adult Education


What this is about

<p>Access the LearnMyWay site through the link below. When registering select the centre &#039;<strong>3451724 - Wokingham Learning Zone</strong>&#039; :</p>

<p><strong><a href="https://www.learnmyway.com/" target="_blank">Learn My Way site - Find free, high quality digital and numeracy courses while at home</a></strong></p>

<p>Learn My Way has free courses for you to learn digital skills to stay safe and connected.</p>