
Health, public services and care

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Health, public services and care

Be well do well

This 10-week course focuses on the essential elements of wellbeing in caring for the Early Years.

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Capoeira for wellbeing

In this course the use of movement, dance and martial arts will be used to develop therapeutic change and further emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration based on the idea that the body, mind and spirit are interconnected.

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Eating Healthily on a Budget

This course will be looking at how to eat healthily on a budget.

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Foundation in Aromatherapy and Basic Massage Techniques - EL

This is an Aromatherapy Foundation Course taught for 5 hours ion a Sunday for a total of 2 classes

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Health and Happiness - EL 3

Assess health and lifestyle through learning about complementary and health therapies to feel good and enjoy life.

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Healthy Families

This hands on course giving participants the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics including healthy eating, reading and understanding food labels, the importance of exercise, common childhood illnesses and emotional well-being

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Meditation & Mindfulness

For learners’ with experience, to develop, review, or re-start your current Meditation and/or Mindfulness practice.

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Meditation & Mindfulness - Beginners

Learn the regular practice of mindfulness and meditation and learn to understand the history of, and differences between Mindfulness and Meditation.

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development Workshop

A family Learning programme whereby parents gain an insight and learn about the importance of sensory play for the child. The play activities that help to stimulate the child's Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

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Relaxation and Health Awareness

Learning about various complementary and alternative health therapies and techniques, including weekly calming guided visulisation (Previously called Relaxation Therapy Techniques)

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Self Counselling

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Smile, Sleep and Self-Confidence

In this course parents will share and develop their ideas for positive discipline, strategies for managing stressful situations, building resilience in children and the importance of routines and sleep

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Supporting Bilingual Children

This course is aimed at teaching assistants and parent volunteers supporting children being brought up in bilingual households

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Support local disabled people to improve their physical and mental Wellbeing

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