
Learning Unlimited

Health, public services and care

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Health, public services and care

Healthy Families

This hands on course giving participants the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics including healthy eating, reading and understanding food labels, the importance of exercise, common childhood illnesses and emotional well-being

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Smile, Sleep and Self-Confidence

In this course parents will share and develop their ideas for positive discipline, strategies for managing stressful situations, building resilience in children and the importance of routines and sleep

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Supporting Bilingual Children

This course is aimed at teaching assistants and parent volunteers supporting children being brought up in bilingual households

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.