
Nova New Opportunities

Preparation for life and work

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Preparation for life and work

Cost of Living - Financial Wellbeing Workshop

Focusing on mathematical skills needed for accessing and navigating various goverment platforms online: reading and understanding your electricity, water and gas bills; support with council tax discounts; searching for a best deal with mobile and broadband companies.

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English for Everyday Life - Level 1/2

This is the course for students who want to improve their reading, writing and communication skills.

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English for Everyday Life: language skills for life and work

English language skills course aimed to prepare English language students for a successful learning journey, providing learning strategies and support resources at the appropriate level. The course focuses on pronunciation, vocabulary development and listening skills. Suitable for the returning lear

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English in the Community - Entry Levels

Basic English language skills. Spelling strategies. Focusing on speaking, listening, writing and reading skills.

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English in the Community First Steps - Pre-Entry/Entry Level 1

Basic English skills. Focusing on Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing skills

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English in the Community: First Steps - Pre Entry

English language skills course aimed to prepare English language students for a successful learning journey, providing learning strategies and support resources at the appropriate level. The course focuses on pronunciation, vocabulary development, receiving and responding to information. Timetabled

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English Skills Booster

The course is aimed at adults who wish to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. Learners will acquire skills which enable them to gain confidence accessing local services such as GP, job centre, bank.

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ESOL, digital skills and maths - for life and work

English language skills course aimed to prepare ESOL students with literacy and numeracy needs.

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Go Digital! An Introduction to IT

Computer skills needed for accessing and navigating various platforms online.

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Introduction to Blended Learning for English language learners

English language skills course aimed to prepare English language students for a successful learning journey

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Invention Rooms Workshops

nteractive course for families from RBKC, aimed at children 8-12 years. Each week the families will join Imperial College researchers to discover more about science and new discoveries. Sessions include:Plastics, Rocks, Microbes, Building Cities

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Kew Gardens Workshop

Learn about biodiversity and engineering when visiting the Children’s Garden and the Orchids Festival and attending the workshops.

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London Zoo Workshop

A family visit and workshop to London Zoo. Learn about different animals, their habitats and how London Zoo helps care for those. Attend planned crafts and educational workshops

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OCR Functional Skills in English - EL 1

OCR Functional Skills in English - Entry Level 1

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OCR Functional Skills in English - EL 1/2

OCR Functional Skills in English - Entry Level 1 or 2

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OCR Functional Skills in English - EL 2

OCR Functional Skills in English - Entry Level 2

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OCR Functional Skills in English - EL 3

OCR Functional Skills in English - Entry Level 3

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OCR Functional Skills in English Level 1/2

Functional Skills in English course aims to provide accreditation of achievement of a range of English skills in real-life settings so that learners can use English skills in a functional way throughout life. The final assessment structure can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners.

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Ramadan Decoration Workshop

A family craft making workshop. Tutor-led - parents and children learn how to make Ramadan decorations to take home.

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Reading Club

Read-along fun-packed club for parents and children at Key Stage 1 level. The families will read along with the tutor and complete fun activities focused on developing comprehension skills.

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Thames Discovery Course: mudlarking, history walk and storytelling

On the first day parents and children explore the riverside, mudlarking and digging up hidden treasures on the banks of the River Thames, with the Thames Discovery Programme. The next day, they will learn more about their artefacts and bring their discoveries to life, with a fun storytelling worksho

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Theatre Discovery Workshop

From theatre tour to activities, careers talks across all the professions involved in theatre production - to build your own theatre workshops.

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Women's Art and Wellbeing Workshop

Female participants make personal drawings based on difficult memories and events. These drawings will then be crushed to create abstract images and patterns, and turned into collages that transform the negative into a positive image, embedded with meaning.

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