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Preparation for life and work

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Preparation for life and work

Better Your Basic Skills in English with Paula Goddard and Rhonda Wonder

Course for adult learners (at Beginner ESOL Entry 1 or Entry 2 level) who want to improve their English for work or for their daily lives in this country.

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.


A practical writing course with plenty of exercises to expand your range and talent. We’ll analyse and discuss; offer tips using Powerpoint; develop your skills and give you individual attention to find your style.

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Mobile Journalism with Vivien Morgan

Vivien Morgan is a pioneer in video journalism, and she will teach this practical course demonstrating how to use a camera phone for work or pleasure, with plenty of fun exercises to expand the student's range and talent,

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Speak and Present with Impact with Mel Byron

For learners wanting to improve their public speaking and presenting skills

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.