
Open Age

Health, public services and care

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Health, public services and care

Eating Healthily on a Budget

This course will be looking at how to eat healthily on a budget.

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Health and Happiness - EL 3

Assess health and lifestyle through learning about complementary and health therapies to feel good and enjoy life.

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Meditation & Mindfulness

For learners’ with experience, to develop, review, or re-start your current Meditation and/or Mindfulness practice.

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Meditation & Mindfulness - Beginners

Learn the regular practice of mindfulness and meditation and learn to understand the history of, and differences between Mindfulness and Meditation.

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.

Relaxation and Health Awareness

Learning about various complementary and alternative health therapies and techniques, including weekly calming guided visulisation (Previously called Relaxation Therapy Techniques)

There are no opportunities currently available. Please check back later or make an enquiry about this course.