Meraviglie d’Italia - Parte 1

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Course code: L43T

Vuoi fare un viaggio in Italia, ma non sai ancora dove andare? Vieni a scoprire luoghi sorprendenti, nuovi borghi e piccole città in regioni d'Italia meno frequentate dai turisti come Piemonte, Emilia, Umbria, Trentino, Lombardia, Marche, Veneto, Liguria, Puglia, Calabria, Molise, Abruzzo.

From 17 May 2025
Sat 11:00-16:00One day
17 May 2025
11:00 to 16:00
Marika Parisi
Stoke Lodge 

Stoke Lodge Centre, Shirehampton Road
Stoke Bishop

full fee for this course £40.00, concession fee £24.00

Bristol Adult Learning

0117 903 8844


<p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="background-color:white"><span style="color:#202124">Hai deciso di fare un viaggio in Italia ma non sai ancora bene dove andare o cosa fare? Vuoi conoscere nuovi borghi o piccole città piene di storia e di fascino? Conosci la Via Francigena? Ti piace camminare? Cerchi suggerimenti? Sai che in Italia puoi dormire in alloggi diversi dal normale albergo? (Trullo, malga, cascina, tonnara etc) Questa sessione fa per te!!</span></span></span></span></span><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="background-color:white"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:#202124"> </span></span></span></span></span></p>

What can students expect?

<p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt">Gli studenti conosceranno qualcosa in più sulla geografia dell’Italia, laghi, montagne, piccoli borghi, spiagge etc. Vi suggerirò itinerari brevi itinerari dagli aeroporti principali del Nord e del Sud. Ogni studente parlerà delle sue esperienze precedenti, questo aiuterà altri studenti a prendere decisioni. Vi consiglierò anche quale sistemazione sarà meglio scegliere. Proveremo a organizzare un viaggio. “Conosceremo la Via Francigena”</span></span></span></p>

<p> </p>

<p><span style="font-size:16px">This course will be delivered at Stoke Lodge but will move to online delivery if necessary.</span></p>

<p> </p>

Previous experience required?

<p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="background-color:white">E’ richiesto un ottimo livello di italiano.</span></span></span></span></p>

What is the progression route?

<p style="margin-left:9px"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="color:black">Altri studi italiani di storia e cultura </span></span></span></span></p>

Are there any extra costs?

<p><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif">No</span></span></p>

Work set between sessions?

<p><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif">No</span></span></p>

What should students bring?

<p><span style="font-size:16px">pranzo al sacco, soldi in contanti per il tè/caffè durante la pausa</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:16px">un quaderno e una penna</span></p>

Teaching method/style?

<p style="margin-left:10px"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="background-color:white">Introduzione e presentazione dell&#039;argomento da parte del tutor</span></span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:10px"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="background-color:white">Dibattito e discussione</span></span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:10px"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="background-color:white">Domande e risposte</span></span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:10px"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="background-color:white">Leggere articoli</span></span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:10px"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="background-color:white">Guardare clip da Internet</span></span></span></span></p>

Equipment Required

<p><span style="font-size:16px">Stable internet connection, a PC or tablet if the course moves online.</span></p>

Refunds and cancellations

<li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">If we have to cancel your course your fees will be refunded in full. We are unable to reimburse the cost of materials you may have bought for the course.</span></span></span></span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">If you cancel your course booking a week (7 days) or more before the start date we will refund your fees minus an admin charge of 20%.</span></span></span></span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">If you cancel with less than a week (7 days) before the start date or after the course has started, we will not be able to refund your fees.</span></span></span></span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">Transfers will incur a fee of 10% and must be requested 7 days or more before the start of a course unless you are transferring to another course because your original course was cancelled.</span></span></span></span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">We are not able to offer refunds due to sickness or ill health.</span></span></span></span></li>

<p style="margin-left:48px"> </p>

<p><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">If you are due a refund you must contact the office within 3 months of the course to arrange payment as we do not keep card details.</span></span></span></span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&#34;Times New Roman&#34;,serif"><span style="font-family:&#34;Arial&#34;,sans-serif"><span style="color:black">When attending an online course, it is a learner’s responsibility to ensure they have adequate internet access before the start of a course. Refunds will not be given for technical failure of a learner’s home computer or their internet access.</span></span></span></span></p>